Request for Proposals: Programming in Arts and Humanistic Inquiry
Issued: October 2023 | Deadline: Rolling
Emory is deeply committed to investing in the liberal arts as a wellspring for innovation through scholarship and creative expression. Through the Emory Initiative for Arts and Humanistic Inquiry, we seek to spark imagination and discovery to address 21st-century challenges and positively influence the human condition in the decades ahead.
Associated with a centrally-supported new faculty hiring effort in the liberal and creative arts, the Office of the Provost announces a request for proposals to fund creative programming that supports and nurtures scholarship and community-building associated with the arts and humanistic inquiry at Emory.
Proposal Submission
The Arts and Humanistic Inquiry Initiative's Faculty Advisory Committee will entertain faculty-initiated requests for programmatic support aligned with the initiative using the form found at Note the requirement of formal approval of your academic dean/associate dean (and chair in relevant cases) to support your proposal for funding. The form requests a variety of details including, but not limited to:
- A clear statement of your programming idea inclusive of but not restricted to workshops, panels, visiting luminaries in the arts and humanistic inquiry, performances (musical, theatrical, cinematic, dance, readings),
- A clear statement of the anticipated impact of your programming idea. How does it advance the academic mission of the institution and build community among scholars in the arts and humanities?
- A clear statement of how the impact of your proposed programming will be assessed.
- A list of anticipated participants, their programmatic/academic units, and any courses involved.
- Budget details including your one-time total funding request for the idea, and
- The portion of the total funds you are requesting from the initiative.
- Commitments against the total budget obtained from other Emory sources (school or unit, department).
- Full-time members of the faculty of any rank are eligible. The request for proposals is open to all schools, although with a preference for proposals originating from units with a focus on arts and humanities. Proposals must be vetted and approved in writing (email trail will suffice) by your dean and, in schools where it is relevant, your department chair.
- Proposals must be vetted and approved in writing (email trail will suffice) by your dean and by your department chair, in schools where it is relevant,
- All proposals from Emory College of Arts and Sciences (ECAS) faculty for workshops and small conferences simultaneously should be submitted for possible co-funding from the Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry, and
- Proposals from ECAS faculty including honoraria in the budgets should be submitted to the Hightower Fund of Emory College of Arts and Sciences.
Budget, Project Duration and Terms of Funding
- Proposed programming and use of funds should be completed within a single academic year. If programming is anticipated to span multiple academic years, separate applications should be submitted for separate evaluations.
- Funds are one-time and non-renewable.
- Funds must be used for activities directly related to programming addressing arts and humanistic inquiry. Initiative funds may not be used for faculty salaries or administrative staff.
- All funds must be expended by the end of the project period unless a formally submitted extension is submitted to Kevin Karnes, Divisional Dean of Arts, ECAS (, and approved.
- Funds not expended within the project period and not approved for extension will be returned.
Review Process and Criteria
Programming proposals will be evaluated by the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Arts and Humanistic Inquiry Initiative and recommendations forwarded to the Provost. Every effort will be made to respond to proposal submissions in a time-sensitive fashion. Criteria for selection include:
- Breadth of impact on the arts and humanistic inquiry community at Emory.
- Anticipated outcomes affecting Emory faculty, students, and staff.
- Anticipated outcomes, if any, for broader arts and humanistic inquiry communities (local, national, and/or global).
Post-Award Responsibilities
Successful applicants will submit two reports (executive narrative and budget) at the end of the project period.
Questions can be directed to Arts and Humanistic Inquiry Advisory Chair Kevin Karnes at