Message from the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Faculty members are central to Emory University’s mission to create, preserve, teach and apply knowledge in the service of humanity. The faculty journey is a multifaceted one—beginning with your recruitment, promotion, tenure and beyond. The Office for Faculty Affairs is deeply committed to supporting you throughout your entire career at Emory, helping you to thrive as scholars, teachers, mentors, and leaders.
We are committed to creating a faculty experience that is not only intellectually stimulating but also personally rewarding. As you advance in your career, we are here to offer guidance, celebrate your achievements and help you achieve your fullest potential as an educator and scholar. We are excited to have you as part of the Emory faculty, and we look forward to supporting you as you continue to make meaningful contributions to our academic community.
- Pearl Dowe,
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Political Science and African American Studies

Of Interest to Faculty
Exploring Faculty Satisfaction
Emory partners with the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education to administer its Faculty Satisfaction Survey. Survey data helps identify the drivers of academic success and implement informed changes designed to advance faculty eminence at Emory.
Learn more about COACHE at Emory
Provost's Academic Affairs Report
The Provost's Academic Affairs Report is the university's operational document of record for academic decisions, including both faculty matters and curricular matters. The document is currently published as a downloadable PDF with an Emory login required.
Visit the Provost's Academic Affairs Report
How Can We Help?
Tenure and Promotion
The tenure and promotion process for tenure-track faculty involves four sequential steps.
Our ProcessCareer Development
University-wide initiatives, such as the Academic Leadership program, complement those offered by schools and departments.
Go FurtherFaculty Handbook
The Faculty Handbook provides an in-depth overview of topics relevant for faculty.
Our PoliciesToward Faculty Eminence
The Office of the Provost and the Office of Business and Administration are facilitating next steps of the Toward Faculty Eminence Steering Committee action plans.
Our ActionsVideo Resources for New Faculty
New Faculty Orientation
Learn more about working at Emory through this orientation presentation.
Watch the Orientation videoNew Faculty Resources
Find the information and tools you need as you begin at Emory.
Watch the resources videoFostering Student Success
Learn more about fostering student success at Emory.
Watch the Student Success VideoTenure and Promotion Workshop Video 2021
Learn more about the Tenure and Promotion process at Emory.
Watch the Tenure and Promotion Workshop VideoHistorically Underrepresented Faculty and COVID-19 Panel Discussion
Learn more about the ways in which COVID-19 has affected Historically Underrepresented faculty.
Watch the Panel Discussion VideoFaculty Advancement
Promoted and Tenured Faculty
Tenure and promotion recognize a collective commitment to and responsibility for Emory's mission and vision by the university and its faculty.
View Recently Promoted FacultyNew Faculty
The university encourages new faculty members to bring fresh approaches to the campus context of teaching, research, and service.
View New FacultyEmeritus Faculty
Emory honors retiring faculty members with emeritus status. The university engages their continued participation through the Emeritus College.
View Emeritus Faculty2024 Celebration of Faculty Eminence
The Celebration of Faculty Eminence honored faculty who received named and endowed professorships in the 2023-24 academic year, recognizing their significant contributions to Emory.
Learn more about the honorees