The COACHE Survey
COACHE (Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education) is a collaboration of colleges and universities committed to gathering the peer diagnostic and comparative data academic administrators need to recruit, retain and support faculty members who are critical to the long-term future of their institutions.
The COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey covers every aspect of a faculty member’s academic life, including facilities and work resources, opportunities for interdisciplinary work, mentoring and recognition and a range of university policies related to benefits, promotion and governance. COACHE survey results influence action plans to improve the faculty experience at Emory.
Emory and COACHE are committed to the integrity of the survey and safeguarding the privacy of our faculty. Responses are completely confidential and will be handled through the COACHE project team. Participants’ privacy will be maintained in all published and written data, and anonymity will be ensured in the broad summary analysis that COACHE will share with our campus.
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Our Commitment to Faculty Satisfaction
Emory believes one of its most valuable assets is its faculty. The One Emory strategic framework calls for fostering an academic environment that attracts, promotes, and retains scholars, researchers, and teachers of the highest caliber and achieves Emory’s full potential as an ethically engaged, inclusive community.
We strive to create a culture in which all faculty sense they belong and find opportunities for professional growth and achievement. Articulating the details of this vision also was championed by faculty and administrative partners in the Class and Labor Report, now advanced as Toward Faculty Eminence: Inclusivity, Equity, and Professional Development.
The COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Surveys of 2023 and 2020 are the most recent iterations of the university’s efforts to gauge faculty satisfaction. They are an offshoot of the process launched in February 2011 by former Provost Earl Lewis and former Executive President for Business and Administration Michael Mandel to examine class and labor and its impact on non-academic staff at Emory. Lewis and Mandel intended this study, Class and Labor I, to be the first of three studies, the latter two of which would focus on faculty and students.
Class and Labor I was released in January 2013, and in October 2013, former Provost Claire Sterk charged the Class and Labor: Faculty Committee (also known as Class and Labor II) to study the influence of class and labor within the faculty. The committee examined the role of class at Emory; Emory as an employer in the academic market; recruitment, promotion, advancement and professional development and the role of non-tenure track faculty, now known as Clinical, Research and Teaching faculty. It submitted a report in 2016.
A Steering Committee composed of Emory faculty and administrative leaders was charged with advising on the implementation of the Class and Labor II recommendations. The Office of the Provost and Office of Business and Administration released the Steering Committee’s report as Toward Faculty Eminence.