University Academic Review Committee

The University Academic Review Committee (ARC) is a university-level standing committee to support key academic decision-making concerning programs, degrees, courses of study, institutional structures, and related academic matters. The ARC is supported by the Office of the Provost with participation by university faculty and administrative personnel.

Before items are eligible for consideration by the ARC, they must be approved and recommended for further review by the relevant schools' and sponsoring units' governance bodies and deans. In order for items to be included on an ARC agenda, documentation of the prior approval as well as any additional information the committee requires must be submitted to Nancy Bliwise, Vice Provost of Academic Planning, by the deadline on the ARC Schedule. Guests from the sponsoring units may be invited to attend the ARC's Review of their proposal but will not be present for the vote.

ARC approved items will then be given to the Provost for finalization via recommendation to the Board of Trustees and/or submission to SACSCOC, as required. Once actions are fully approved/accepted by the Board of Trustees, and/or SACSCOC as required, they will be published in the document of record for settled academic matters, The Provost’s Academic Affairs Report. Actions will be finalized and ready for implementation only once they are published in this venue.

ARC Review Schedule 2024-2025

  • Wednesday, April 24th
  • Wednesday, September 24th
  • Wednesday, October 30th
  • Thursday, February 27th
  • Tuesday, April 15th



Nancy Bliwise

Vice Provost, Academic Planning