Related Policies

Emory Policy 10.7

Emory University is committed to systematic, ongoing, integrated, empirically based evaluation that results in measurable improvement in carrying out its mission: to create, preserve, teach, and apply knowledge in the service of humanity. The periodic review of academic units and academic and administrative support units is one of a set of processes that assures Emory University's strategic vision. The review process is designed to provide information in a regular and systematic manner that can be used to guide program development, allocate resources, evaluate progress, and inform decision-making toward continuous improvement.

All reviews must include a self-study that describes and evaluates how well the unit fulfills its strategic or operational mission and contributes to the overall mission of the University, a site visit from an internal or external review team, and a follow-up plan that establishes priorities for action.

SACSCOC Requirements Related to Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment

7.1. The institution engages in ongoing, comprehensive, and integrated research-based planning and evaluation processes that (a) focus on institutional quality and effectiveness and (b) incorporate a systematic review of institutional goals and outcomes consistent with its mission.

7.3. The institution identifies expected outcomes of its administrative support services and demonstrates the extent to which the outcomes are achieved.

8.1. The institution identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution's mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. The institution uses multiple measures to document student success.

8.2. The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of the results in the areas below:

a. Student learning outcomes for each of its educational programs.

b. Student learning outcomes for collegiate-level general education competencies of its undergraduate degree programs.

c. Academic and student services that support student success.